Samuel Beckett I Begin Again Time Passes

Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett > Quotes

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"Who knows what dirty story, what fifty-fifty better dirty story, it may fifty-fifty be one we take non heard before, told at some colossal pitch of pure smut, beats at this moment in vain against our eardrums."
Samuel Beckett
"[Y]ou cannot mention everything in its proper place, yous must choose, between the things not worth mentioning and those and those even less so."
Samuel Beckett, Molloy
"And on the threshold of being no more than I succeed in existence another."
Samuel Beckett, Malone Dies
"way off on the right in the mud the hand opens and closes that helps me it's going let information technology go I realize I'm still smile in that location'south no sense in that now been none for a long time now"
Samuel Beckett, How It Is
"Woburn … same old coat … he goes on … stops … not a soul … non yet … dark also brilliant … say what you lot similar … he goes on … hugging the bank … same one-time stick … he goes downwards … falls … on purpose or non … can't run across … he's downwards … that'south what counts … face in the mud … artillery spread … that's the idea … already … there already … no not yet … he gets up … knees first … hands flat … in the mud … head sunk … then upwardly … on his feet … huge bulk … come on … he goes on … he goes down … come on … in his caput … what's in his head … a hole … a shelter … a hollow … in the dunes … a cave … vague memory … in his head … of a cave … he goes down … no more copse … no more than bank … he's inverse … not enough … night likewise vivid … before long the dunes … no more than comprehend … non a soul … not–"
Samuel Beckett, The Complete Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett
"Incluso si estas cosas fueran evitables no voy a salirme de mi camino para evitarlas, simplemente no voy a salirme de mi camino, puesto que nunca en mi vida he estado en camino hacia ningún sitio, sino simplemente en camino, de este modo mi camino me ha ensangrentado a través de espesos abrojos, hundido en pantanos, agua, y todo east incluso en el mar cuando le daba la gana, hasta tal punto que o perdía mi camino o tenía que echar marcha atrás so pena de ahogarme. Y así es seguramente como moriré al terminal si no me agarran antes, ahogado, quiero decir, o en llamas, sí, puede que eso ocean lo que haga al final, arrojándome furiosamente en las llamas con la cabeza baja y muriendo como una antorcha humana."
Samuel Beckett, Residua
"There's my life, why not, information technology is one, if you lot like, if y'all must, I don't say no, this evening. There has to be 1, it seems, once there is speech, no need of a story, a story is not compulsory, just a life, that's the mistake I fabricated, one of the mistakes, to have wanted a story for myself, whereas life alone is enough."
Samuel Beckett, Texts for Zippo and Other Shorter Prose 1950-1976
"[I]f y'all set out to mention everything you would never exist done, and that'south what counts, to exist washed, to have done. Oh, I know, even when you mention only a few of the things there are yous do not go washed either, I know, I know. But it's a alter of muck. And if all muck is the same muck that doesn't matter, it's good to accept a change of muck, to move from one heap to another, from time to time, fluttering y'all might say, similar a butterfly, equally if you were ephemeral."
Samuel Beckett, Molloy
"The ludicrous fever of toys struggling skyward, the sky itself more and more remote, the wind tearing the awning of cloud to tatters, pale limitless blue and greenish recessions laced with strands of scud, the light failing—once she would have noticed these things."
Samuel Beckett, Murphy
"A mug's game in my opinion and tiring on tiptop of that, in the long run. But I lent myself to it with a practiced plenty grace, knowing it was beloved, for she had told me so."
Samuel Beckett, Molloy
"Extraordinary how mathematics assist you to know yourself."
Samuel Beckett, Molloy
"A (impatient): Well?
B (reading): "... sick headaches... centre trouble... irrational fear of
vipers... ear trouble... "--goose egg for u.s.a. there--"... fibroid
tumours... pathological horror of songbirds... throat problem...
demand of affection... "--nosotros're coming to it--"... inner void...
built timidity... nose problem... "--ah! listen to this--"...
morbidly sensitive to the opinions of others..." (Looks up.)
What did I tell y'all?
A (glum): Tsstss!
B: I'll read the whole passage: "... morbidly sensitive to the opinion
of others--" (His lamp goes out.) Well! The bulb has diddled!
(The lamp goes on once again.) No, it hasn't! Must exist a faulty
connectedness. (Examines the lamp, straightens the flex.) The
flex was twisted, now all is well. (Reading.) "... morbidly
sensitive--" (The lamp goes out.) Bugger and shit!


(next two lines spoken on top of each other)
B: "... morbidly sensitive--"
A: Keep your hands off the table.

B: What?
A: Keep your hands off the table. If information technology's a connection the least jog
can practice information technology.
B: (having pulled back his chair a little style): "... morbidly

The lamp goes out. B Bangs on the table with his fist.
The lamp goes on again. Pause.

A: Mysterious affair, electricity."
Samuel Beckett, Ends and Odds

"It was like looking for a needle in a haystack full of vipers."
Samuel Beckett, Murphy
"We were all born mad. Some remain and so."
Samuel Beckett
"They forget, they call back they change and they never change, they'll be in that location saying the same thing till they die, then perhaps a little silence, till the next gang arrives on the site."
Samuel Beckett
"The corner in which he sat was curtained off from the sun, the poor old sun in the Virgin for the billionth fourth dimension."
Samuel Beckett
"...this evening it's too late, besides belatedly to get things right, I'll go to sleep, so that I may say, hear myself say, a little after, I've slept, he's slept, merely he won't have slept, or else he's sleeping now, he'll have done nothing, cipher but go on, doing what, doing what he does, that is to say, I don't know, giving up, that's it, I'll take gone on giving up, having had nothing, not being in that location."
Samuel Beckett, Texts for Null and Other Shorter Prose 1950-1976
"The dead die hard, trespassers on the beyond, they must take the place every bit they find it, the shafts and manholes back into the muck, till such time equally the lord of the manor incurs through his long acquiescence a duty of care in respect of them. They are free amidst the dead by all means, and then their troubles are over, their natural troubles. But the debt of nature, that scandalous post-obit on one's own estate, tin no more exist discharged by kicking the bucket than descent tin be made into the aforementioned stream twice. This is a true saying."
Samuel Beckett, Repeat's Bones
"We underestimate this little pigsty, information technology seems to me, we phone call it the arsehole and impact to despise it. But is it not rather the true portal of our being and the celebrated mouth no more than the kitchen door"
Samuel Beckett , Molloy
"And I'll be myself at last, equally a starveling belches his odourless current of air, before the bliss of a coma."
Samuel Beckett, The Unnamable
"Ik dacht zwak en zonder spijt aan het verhaal dat ik had kunnen vertellen, een verhaal naar voorbeeld van mijn leven, ik bedoel zonder de moed te eindigen noch de kracht om verder te gaan."
Samuel Beckett, Start Love and Other Novellas
"But he plant it strange to call up of these little changes of scene, the footling gains, the piffling losses, the thing brought, the thing removed, the light given, the calorie-free taken, and all the vain offerings to the 60 minutes,"
samuel beckett
"You are on your dorsum at the foot of an aspen. In its trembling shade. She at right angles propped on her elbows caput betwixt her hands. Your eyes opened and closed accept looked in hers looking in yours. In your dark you wait in them again. Still. Y'all feel on your face the fringe of her long blackness hair stirring in the still air. Within the tent of hair your faces are subconscious from view. She murmurs, Listen to the leaves. Eyes in each other's eyes you listen to the leaves. In their trembling shade."
Samuel Beckett, Visitor
"It will be the same silence, the same equally ever, murmurous with muted lamentation, panting and exhaling of impossible sorrow, like afar laughter, and brief spells of hush, as of i buried before his time. Long or brusque, the same silence. Then I resurrect and begin once again."
Samuel Beckett, The Unnamable

why non just the despaired of
occasion of

is it not better abort than be barren

the hours later you are gone are so leaden
they volition always start dragging too before long
the grapples clawing blindly the bed of want
bringing up the basic the sometime loves
sockets filled one time with eyes like yours
all always is it amend besides soon than never
the blackness want splashing their faces
proverb again nine days never floated the loved
nor ix months
nor nine lives

saying over again
if you do not teach me I shall not acquire
maxim again in that location is a last
even of final times
final times of begging
final times of loving
of knowing non knowing pretending
a last even of last times of saying
if you practice not love me I shall not be loved
if I do non love y'all I shall non love

the churn of dried words in the centre again
love love dear thud of the old plunger
pestling the unalterable
whey of words

terrified over again
of not loving
of loving and not you
of existence loved and non by you
of knowing non knowing pretending

I and all the others that will love you
if they dearest you

unless they love you"
Samuel Beckett

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